Friday, 31 October 2008

Does it Offend You, Yeah?

The past week has been fairly busy so I've slacked off on the blog. Last Thursday I ended up going to a Spanish bar in Leeds with my Spanish flatmate since a friend of hers was dancing flamenco. There were so many people that I wasn't able to see much of it. It was alright though, I was able to see flamenco when I went to Spain in 2005. Then Saturday ended up being my first pub crawl.

The popular pub crawl in Leeds is the Otley Run. Technically, it's about 20 pubs and you go to each one and are basically expected to drink at each one. This pub crawl only lasted about 13 pubs though. It was "P" themed which means you dress up as anything that starts with a "P." There were priests, prisoners, perverts, etc. It was a lot of fun although it was weird to start at 4 in the afternoon.

The next day we went out to a pub for Sunday roast. Apparently, Sunday roast is like a mini Thanksgiving and it takes place every Sunday. It'll consist of a choice of meat [usually beef or lamb] with Yorkshire pudding, potatoes and vegetables. It ended up sounding a lot better than it was but I'm sure that with a home-cooked one it could be really good.

During the week I just kept busy with school work and the like. I signed up to do the HOST program which means that for a weekend in the near future, I'll be living with a family in the UK. I'm not sure where yet- I won't find out for a while. Hopefully somewhere more in the country. I here a lot of people like to go to Scotland- which would be nice but I've already been there and I'm going back next month. One of the weekends I put down was Christmas, since I won't be coming back to the States for it. It'd be neat to have a traditional British Christmas- preferably somewhere where it would snow.

On Thursday, last night, I went to the University Union and saw a band, Does it Offend You, Yeah? perform. The show was really good. The lead had a broken leg so had to sit for the show but he powered through and I feel, was even more animated than he was at Coachella. I took a video at the show and uploaded it to YouTube last night and the band actually used it in a bulletin they sent out to all their fans!

I haven't posted any pictures to my flickr account lately since I'm only allowed so many per month. When I get more allowance, I'll upload more. Not all of my castle pictures were uploaded but you can also see them here:

and here:

I probably won't upload all of the castle pictures to flickr since next week I'm going to Dublin so I'm sure I'll have a lot more pictures to upload. Also, I'll be back in Edinburgh for the EAP Thanksgiving they organize for us. Last night, I also booked a flight to Copenhagen for the first week of December. I have a friend studying abroad there so I'll be visiting her. I'm really excited for it- and where I'm flying into- the first Legoland is there! So I might take a day to go see that :]

1 comment:

Lola said...

you aren't coming home for christmas :(